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Redes 0.1.0

by Grupo gvSIG last modified 2010-10-29 15:33

If this is the first time that the layer is being used for network analysis then this option must be selected in order to generate the layer's topology.

  • Select the option Compute the network over the original layer.

Options for generating the network topology

  • Click Next.

In the second window of the wizard attribute fields containing values for the following parameters can be selected (these fields must be defined as numeric):

  • Type of route: Indicates what type of route each segment is.
  • Length: The length of each segment in metres.
  • Cost: Indicates the cost of traversing each segment.
  • Conversion factor: Factor to convert the cost field.
  • Direction field: The field containing the segment direction.
  • Digitised direction: Value indicating the direction of digitising.
  • Reverse digitised direction: Value indicating the opposite direction of digitising.
  • Save .net file: The directory and file for saving the topology.

NOTE: Any values other than those indicated in the Digitised direction and Reverse digitised direction settings will be taken to indicate flow in both directions along a segment.


Dialog for configuring fields

Click the check-boxes alongside parameters that will be included in the topology generation. From the drop-down lists select the attribute fields corresponding to each parameter.


Selecting the fields that help define the network topology

Press the "Finish" button to start the generation of the topography. A window showing the progress of the operation will appear.


Progress of topology generation

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